School Resource Officers
Currently, four School Resource Officers are assigned to the following schools: Breaux Bridge High School, Cecilia High School, St. Martinville High School, and JCEP. The SRO is specifically trained to perform duties associated with laws that may be violated on a school campus. Typically this includes, fights, illegal drugs, weapons, bullying, cyber-bullying, thefts, etc. SRO’s also serve as mediators for their students on their assigned campuses. Additionally, they offer in-service training to teachers on several topics and are available to speak to Parental groups about topics that are pertinent to the student population.
As part of their role as School Resource Officers, they offer instruction to students on various issues related to laws and the consequences that students might face should they make improper choices. The SRO’s at Breaux Bridge High, Cecilia High, and St. Martinville High, moderate the S.A.V.E. Club for students at their school. This is a violence prevention club that advocates non-violence and teaches the students to look ahead to the future regarding the decisions they make today.
If further information is needed in reference to the SRO Program, please contact Lieutenant Dina Theriot (337) 394-2615.